Captain Alexander Jolly and Captain Dave Fielding are commercial airline pilots. I met them through Project Wingman, a pandemic-induced collaboration between the UK aviation industry and the NHS. For the last few months they (along with a few of their colleagues) have been helping us train. Specifically, they are debriefing and writing up human factors performances (overseen […]
Pilot sim feedback #3: Trauma Call
Here is the write-up of our latest in situ sim. Along with the human factors feedback from our colleagues in aviation (which you can find at the end of the post), I’ve included the “technical” feedback from myself and two of my EM consultant colleagues as I thought it might be of interest. Scenario Young […]
Pilot sim feedback #2: “Pressure-test your decision-making”
Last week we my department ran another in-situ sim. It was quite a challenging one from a technical point of view. 62 year old BIBA looking unwell Paramedics hand over he was found on a park bench, blood around his mouth, GCS 13, HR 110, couldn’t get a BP, patient very unwell/periarrest A-E assessment done […]